
 更新时间:2017年7月6日 23:35  点击:1601













通过友情链接来增加访问量也是目前推广网站的好方法,不论是文字还是LOGO链接,只要链得合理,也会带来一笔不小的流量。要注意的是,一定要找一些访问量较大的网站来做,最好要求对方在显眼的位置摆放,还要找与本网站内容相关或相近的网站进行链接,更有利于提高排名。这点可参照电子商务指南的友情链接www.111cn.net ^_^提醒一点,主页上放过多的LOGO链接会减慢你网站首页的打开速度,对此,可要适合而止。




世界上最有趣的职业是网站设计师,有人为自己的作品喊价5000美金,有人129美金就行,而很多人并看不出这两者的差别,我见过一个加拿大 Freelancer 设计师,他的网站上有个报价系统,你可以选择自己的预算范围,其中最小的一个选项是2500-5000美金,而在 Craigslist (www.craigslist.org)上,百把美金的网站设计师比比皆是。如果你读 Alistapart (www.alistapart.com),就会知道顶尖设计师整天都在想什么,他们简直是小题大做,为一些细微的东西较真,这世界上不乏追求完美的人,而完美并不存在,于是所有人都胡乱地做,网站是这样一种产品,它的消费者以为是高不可攀的东西,在设计者眼里可能视之如草芥,它的门槛如此之低,而真正的好作品又是如此之难。中国有130万网站,它们要么从来就没有更新过,要么包含了大量技术错误,要么压根无法在第二种浏览器中访问,要么被搜索引擎彻底抛弃,要么惨不忍睹,要么让人摸不着头脑,要么一攻即可破,要么过度设计得象爆发户,要么简陋得象草台班子。
  《完美企业网站的101项指标》是这样诞生的,大约在1999年始,我从事的职业相当于企业的 IT 咨询顾问之类,主要面向企业的 Web 应用与开发,先后参与开发了 COMSHARP E2RP 和 COMSHARP CMS (www.comsharp.com)两个产品,后者是一个网站内容管理系统,认为本帖是广告帖的读到这里可以选择离开,很多人仍然记得90年代末,2000年初的那段日子,那时 Netscape 还没有死,Firefox 还没有诞生,但 Opera 已经悄无声息地活着了,因为它太低调,人们使用 Javascrīpt 探测浏览器版本的时候甚至都没想到它。那个时代,为不同浏览器输出不同 HTML 代码很流行,微软的 DHTML 很激动人心,在网站上开 Javascrīpt 特效很酷,Java Applet 更酷,总之,人们在 Web 泡沫尚且丰富的那个时期,为 HTML 这个乡下丫头肆意地打扮,新技术层出不穷,而每个新技术人们都无不用其极。
  在先后从事这两个产品开发的空隙,一直到2007年,我都在从事 Web 易用性,安全,W3C标准以及 SEO 方面的研究,这方面的积累是101指标的基础,前面说过,完美是不存在的,所以我并不保证这101项指标本身是完美的,而且标准也在随时变化,从这个意义上说,完美企业网站只是一个目标,101指标分强制性指标和指导性指标,强制性指标一般针对易用性,安全,W3C标准以及SEO等方面,而指导性指标针对的是内容和设计。《完美企业网站的101项指标》现在是第二版,我会随时调整其中的条目推出更新版本。

  我们有一套严格的标准,包含101项指标,用来评测企业网站是否完美,COMSHARP CMS 建立在这套标准之上,这101项指标分为7个类别,它们是:

  • 内容
  • 易于使用
  • 设计
  • 安全
  • 性能
  • W3C标准
  • SEO

  我们把内容放在第一位,而把很多企业过分侧重的设计放在第三位,事实上,在一个企业网站中,内容代表整个站点80%的价值,这是 COMSHARP CMS 反复强调的东西。如果将上面的7个方面用于人,我们不妨这样理解一个完美的人:

  • 内容 (我有真才实学)
  • 易于使用 (容易沟通与相处)
  • 设计 (看上去也很棒)
  • 安全 (非常可靠)
  • 性能 (健康强壮)
  • W3C标准 (遵守规则)
  • SEO (被很多人关注)



Rules and preference for designing a website can differ from website to website depending on the target audience, whether it is entertainment website or corporate website or just a personal portfolio. But there are still somethings that are common in all websites, and if followed can make your site look better. So here are few things I would like to discuss.



1. Font Style and Size

Selecting a right font and size is essential. For example fonts such as Verdana, Arial and Helvetica look especially good in websites, whereas fonts such as Times New Roman, Courier, Sans-Serif... etc types won't look good. Also the size of the font plays important role in website design, smaller sized fonts look neat but it is more difficult to read. So it is your decision to make a choice between the look and usability. Following is the comparison between Times New Roman and Verdana.

选择合适的字号和字体,是网站设计要考虑的一项重要内容。比如说,网站中使用Verdana、Arial和Helvetica字体,就会使页面看起来非常舒服,然而, Times New Roman、Courier、Sans-Serif等字体就不会有这样的效果。同样,字号在网站中也能发挥重要的作用,稍小的字号会使内容看起来更整洁,但不利于用户的浏览 。所以,你要在外观和可用性方面作一个选择。下面就是Times New Roman和Verdana的一个比较:


This sentence is in Times New Roman with size 3 (Times New Roman3号字体)

 This sentence is in Verdana with size 3(Verdana3号字体)
This sentence is

in Times New

Roman with size 2 (Times New Roman2号字体)

 This sentence is

in Verdana with

size 2 (Good

Choice) (Verdana2号字体)(是一个好的选择)
This sentence is

in Times New

Roman with size 1(Times New Roman1号字体)
 This sentence

is in Verdana

with size 1 (Verdana1号字体)

2. Using tables? Don't forget the cellpadding


Almost all the websites use tables in one way or another, but using tables with a sense of design will make your site look better. If you use tables background colors in your page, then it is very important to use cellpadding, otherwise all the text inside the table will stick to the border of the table. Which is not recommended at all. Here is the Examples:

几乎所有网站都会利用一种或者几种表格,但是只有正确使用表格才会使网站看上去更美观。如果在网页中运用表格背景色,那你必须要运用cellpadding这个属性,否则表格内容会到边缘,这样的效果很不好。下面就是一个比较,上面的表格利用了cellpadding属性,下面的没有使用。 This table has a cellpadding of 10. This table has a cellpadding of 10. This table has a cellpadding of 10. This table has a cellpadding of 10. This table has a cellpadding of 10. This table has a cellpadding of 10.




This table has a cellpadding of 0. This table has a cellpadding of 0. This table has a cellpadding of 0. This table has a cellpadding of 0. This table has a cellpadding of 0. This table has a cellpadding of 0.


3. Design websites for 800x600 resolution

While 1024x860 resolution is the most used resolution online, it is recommended to design your website 800x600 compatible. Because there are people who still use 800x600 resolution. There are different ways to design a website which is compatible to 800x600 resolution.


1. For example you can design it in a way that it will stretch to any size (any resolution), here is one good example of such website. Alamy.com



2. Another way is fixed size such as this website. The size does not change no matter how much is the resolution. Yahoo.com


3. And finally not so user friendly but still acceptable design that is all the content is placed on the table not exceeding 800 pixels. There will still be a horizontal scroller on your browser but at least you don't have to scroll it when you are reading something on the site. Here is a good example of such site: Tomshardware.com


4. Pop up window? Bad idea

Pop up windows are a good to catch user's attention and force him to take action (at least to make him close the window), but it is annoying and generally users don't like it. So unless it is very essential to use a pop up window for you - I would say avoid using it. Even though you can program it to pop up only once, it is still considered a bad idea.


Especially now with the browser's build in pop-up blockers, most of the popups are left blocked.


5. Mention Image height and width in html <width="120" height="100">
5.在html中使用<width="120" height="100">来设置图片的高度和宽度

When browser opens a particular page it tries to understand the html, so when you leave the image without mentioning its dimensions, browser gets confused how much space it supposed to take, thus it will slow down the loading of the page. However if you mention the width and height of the image, browser can know exactly how much space should it allocate for particular image, and even before the image loads it can allocate this space to it and continue loading the rest of the page. So if you want your pages to load faster, don't forget to include image width and height.


当浏览器打开网页的时候,它会试图读懂html的语言,所以在没有涉及到图片尺寸的情况下,浏览器不了解图片会占用多少空间,因此图片下载速度会减慢。然而,如果设置了图片的长度和宽度,浏览器就可以了解图片的存储空间,会在下载以前分配图片的空间,然后继续下载网页的其它部分。所以,要使网页下载速度加快,就需要在在html中使用<width="120" height="100">来设置图片的高度和宽度。


6. Follow the web conventions.

Web conventions are very useful when it comes to web design, if you follow them you will make your user's life a lot easier. After all only useful things will become a convention. For example having the logo on the top-left corner of your website and linking it to the homepage is one of the conventions. Or employing consistent navigation throughout your website is another convention.



7. Avoid under construction pages.


Publish your websites only if it is fully completed, or if you have unfinished pages then do not put those pages online yet and do not provide link to them until they are fully completed. Under construction pages are totally useless, it will waste your user's click and might even generate negative effect towards your website (or you). Because if you think from user's perspective you don't want to click on the link just to find out that this page is under construction.



8. Underlined texts that are not links.

nly links should be underlined, if you underline the text then make sure the user will not confuse it for a link.


9. Avoid intros and Welcome pages

Unless you have a very impressive intro (maybe designed by 2advanced) avoid using intros. As for the welcome pages that has an "enter" button and some info about the site should be avoided as well. Basically with welcome page you are stopping your users from actually seeing your site, you are keeping them one step behind. You never know maybe some of your users leave your site without even clicking on your 'enter' button, if so then you are loosing a potential customers.



Be aware of these common pitfalls when designing your site:



* The home page does not quickly tell you what the Web site is all about. You should be able to visit the home page of any Web site and figure out what the site is about, what type of products it sells, or what it is advertising within five seconds.



* The poor use of popup windows, splashy advertising, splash pages (pages with neat animations and sound but which you have to watch for five to ten seconds before you are taken to the real Web site), and other Web design features that draw interest away from your Web site, products, and/ or services.


* Poor Web site navigation. This includes broken hyperlinks, hidden navigation, poor wording of navigational links, links that take you to pages with no links, links that take you to the same Web page, and pages with no links back to the home page (always include a link back to the home page so that regardless of where site visitors are, they can find their way back home!).


* Believing that because you have a Web site, you have a marketing campaign or overall marketing and advertising strategy. You need to understand that your Web site is not your marketing strategy. Your Web site is just a part of your overall marketing strategy, depending on your business goals; for example, if you have a successful restaurant but want to advertise and promote your business on the Web. Creating a Web site is great, but if it is not promoted and advertised, no one will ever find it. By passing out business cards with your Web site URL embossed on them, you are using a traditional marketing campaign to promote your Web site. If you offer a downloadable/ printable coupon from your Web site, you are successfully using your Web site as part of your marketing strategy to meet your goal of increased restaurant sales.



* Failure to attain Web site relevance and content updating. There is nothing more dissatisfying to a Web customer than visiting a Web site that is grossly out of date. Incorrect pricing, products no longer available, dated content, and ancient advertising all signify to the Web site visitor that your devotion to your Web site is suffering greatly. Cramming your pages with non-relevant material will detract the visitor from getting the point of your Web site (the five-second rule mentioned earlier).



* Avoid too many text effects. Forget flashing text, reversing text, gymnastics text, or other eye-popping and dizzying effects, which do nothing more than annoy your site visitor. Don't create a "loud" Web site that contain so many blinking, flashing, twirling, and spinning icons, text, or graphics that visitors are overwhelmed by the effects and under-whelmed by the site content.


* Limit the number of graphics on your Web site so that you don't overwhelm your site visitors with "graphics overload." Don't use animated GIF images on your Web site. These were cool ten years ago, but in today's professional environment, they are just another "loud," annoying distraction that site visitors don't want to see.



* Don't use Microsoft's themes (built-in design templates) when creating a Web site with Microsoft FrontPage. While FrontPage is bashed on a regular basis, we stand by the fact that it can be used to design great Web sites.

利用Microsoft FrontPage制作网站时,不要使用内置在设计模板中的主题。FrontPage不适合创建普通网站,但可以用来创建高质量的网站。


* Don't incorporate frames into Web site design. The use of frames within a Web site will drive customers away faster than anything!


* DO incorporate the proper Web site design elements to ensure that your Web site is ready to be found by search engines.





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