Apache Reference Manual (9)

 更新时间:2016年11月25日 15:18  点击:2057
PidFile directive
Syntax: PidFile filename
Default: PidFile logs/httpd.pid
Context: server config
Status: core
The PidFile directive sets the file to which the server records the process id of the daemon. If the filename does not begin with a slash (/) then it is assumed to be relative to the ServerRoot. The PidFile is only used in standalone mode.
It is often useful to be able to send the server a signal, so that it closes and then reopens its ErrorLog and TransferLog, and re-reads its configuration files. This is done by sending a SIGHUP (kill -1) signal to the process id listed in the PidFile.
The PidFile is subject to the same warnings about log file placement and security.
Port directive
Syntax: Port number
Default: Port 80
Context: server config
Status: core
Number is a number from 0 to 65535; some port numbers (especially below 1024) are reserved for particular protocols. See /etc/services for a list of some defined ports; the standard port for the http protocol is 80.
The Port directive has two behaviors, the first of which is necessary for NCSA backwards compatibility (and which is confusing in the context of Apache).
In the absence of any Listen or BindAddress directives specifying a port number, a Port directive given in the "main server" (i.e., outside any <VirtualHost> section) sets the network port on which the server listens. If there are any Listen or BindAddress directives specifying :number then Port has no effect on what address the server listens at.
The Port directive sets the SERVER_PORT environment variable (for CGI and SSI), and is used when the server must generate a URL that refers to itself (for example when creating an external redirect to itself). This behaviour is modified by UseCanonicalName.
In no event does a Port setting affect what ports a VirtualHost responds on, the VirtualHost directive itself is used for that.
这份手册是 1.0 版阿帕奇服务器(Apache HTTP server)的文件。这个
免费取得之 HTTP 服务器的关心。这个计划的目标是提供一个安全的,
有效率的而且可以扩充功能的服务器,此服务器提供 HTTP 服务且符合
目前的 HTTP 标准。
这套阿帕奇 httpd 服务器的设计不但与 NCSA httpd 1.3 相容,并且
。作为身分验认之用的 DBM 资料库
。多重的 directoryindex 指令
。不限次数的 Alias 以及 Redirect 指令
。以内容为基础的(Content-based) 文件协商(negotiation)
Copyright 1995 The Apache Group. All rights reserved.
1. 散播原始程序码必须保留上述的版权告示,这份条件列表以及下列
2. 以执行程序码的形式散播必须在随附散播的文件以及/或是资讯中
3. 所有提及或使用这套软体特色的广告都必须显示下列讯息:
`This product includes software developed by the Apache Group
for use in the Apache HTTP server project (http://www.apache.org/).'
4. `Apache Server' 以及 `Apache Group' 这些名称没有随附前述的
5. 以任何形式散播都必须保留下列讯息:
`This product includes software developed by the Apache Group
for use in the Apache HTTP server project (http://www.apache.org/).'
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2. Redistribution in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
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the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
这里参照的是Apache Server1_3_12_win32版本。
ServerType standalone
ServerRoot "d:/Apache"
PidFile logs/httpd.pid
#程序启动时,把父进程httpd的进程号(process id)存在这个文件中。这个文件名可以配合PidFile指令加以改变。
ScoreBoardFile logs/apache_status
#ResourceConfig conf/srm.conf
#AccessConfig conf/access.conf
Timeout 300
KeepAlive On
MaxKeepAliveRequests 100
KeepAliveTimeout 15
MaxRequestsPerChild 0
#设置同时间内child process数目。
ThreadsPerChild 50
#Listen 3000
#BindAddress *
#LoadModule anon_auth_module modules/ApacheModuleAuthAnon.dll
#ExtendedStatus On
这里参照的是Apache Server1_3_12_win32版本。
Port 80
ServerAdmin you@your.address
#ServerName new.host.name
DocumentRoot "d:/Apache/htdocs"
<Directory />
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
一、前期准备情况 Apache2(Win32) 完全模块化安装perl,php,ssl
APACHE 2.0.48
Perl 4.3.1
PHP 4.3.1
MYSQL 4.0.12
  下载地址1: http://www.xdiy.net/soft/serv.rar
  下载地址1: http://www.techxy.com/xdiy/serv.zip
  包里面是:mod_perl 1.9/ mod_ssl 2.0.43/ OpenSSL 0.9.6h/ mod_jk/ ApacheModuleGzip.dll
  gd 2.0.9/ gdpm/ perldiver 1.1/ 中文php.ini/editplus /php_gd_gif.dll 等
  假设我的安装的默认路径是 X: ,这样就安装在x盘下的APACHE2的路径下,同时默认域为domain.com。
  找到 #NameVirtualHost *
  修改为 NameVirtualHost #注意这个IP为你自己主机设的IP
  找到 ServerName domain.com 修改为 #ServerName domain.com
  找到ServerAdmin * (*是你安装apache时所填写的邮箱地址)修改为 #ServerAdmin
ServerAdmin webmaster@domain.com
ServerName domain.com
ServerAlias domain.com www1.domain.com
document.oot X:/VirtualHost/domain.com/www.domain/wwwroot
ErrorLog X:/VirtualHost/domain.com/www.domain/logs/www.domain-error_log
CustomLog X:/VirtualHost/domain.com/www.domain/logs/www.domain-access_log common
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin /cgi-bin
ScriptAlias /php4/ "/php-bin"
UseCanonicalName directive
Syntax: UseCanonicalName on|off|dns
Default: UseCanonicalName on
Context: server config, virtual host, directory
Override: Options
Compatibility: UseCanonicalName is only available in Apache 1.3 and later
In many situations Apache has to construct a self-referential URL. That is, a URL which refers back to the same server. With UseCanonicalName on (and in all versions prior to 1.3) Apache will use the ServerName and Port directives to construct a canonical name for the server. This name is used in all self-referential URLs, and for the values of SERVER_NAME and SERVER_PORT in CGIs.
With UseCanonicalName off Apache will form self-referential URLs using the hostname and port supplied by the client if any are supplied (otherwise it will use the canonical name). These values are the same that are used to implement name based virtual hosts, and are available with the same clients. The CGI variables SERVER_NAME and SERVER_PORT will be constructed from the client supplied values as well.
An example where this may be useful is on an intranet server where you have users connecting to the machine using short names such as www. You'll notice that if the users type a shortname, and a URL which is a directory, such as http://www/splat, without the trailing slash then Apache will redirect them to http://www.domain.com/splat/. If you have authentication enabled, this will cause the user to have to reauthenticate twice (once for www and once again for www.domain.com). But if UseCanonicalName is set off, then Apache will redirect to http://www/splat/.
There is a third option, UseCanonicalName DNS, which is intended for use with mass IP-based virtual hosting to support ancient clients that do not provide a Host: header. With this option Apache does a reverse DNS lookup on the server IP address that the client connected to in order to work out self-referential URLs.
Warning: if CGIs make assumptions about the values of SERVER_NAME they may be broken by this option. The client is essentially free to give whatever value they want as a hostname. But if the CGI is only using SERVER_NAME to construct self-referential URLs then it should be just fine.


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